Window Cleaning in SLO County
Since 1998. It's what we do!

World Class Skills with Home Town Service

Our Owner and Founder, Jeremiah Hickey, is a national and international speed window cleaning champion. He is the first and only resident on the Central Coast to win the World Cup of Window Cleaning in London, England. He has also been the IWCA’s Fastest American Window Cleaner in competition five different times. Watch this footage as Jeremiah becomes the 2019 World Champion. Competitive speed window cleaning is a competition of precision and speed based on the guidelines from the Guinness World Records.

Elevated Standards for Your Window Washing Needs

When compared to other home services, On The Spot Window Cleaning has a level of credibility that is unbeatable. We can save you from the dirty work of cleaning your windows, but the experience you receive with On The Spot Window Cleaning will make you wonder why your other home-service providers don’t show you the same level of respect and professionalism.

Do you have spectacular views that you love to show off? Our most satisfied and loyal customers enjoy personalized service plans so they can appreciate their beautiful vistas year-round—over 2000 homeowners and businesses in San Luis Obispo County trust On The Spot Window Cleaning.

You want local: Our experience working exclusively on the Central Coast for over 25 years has allowed us to hone our craft and address the needs particular to this area. Established in Pismo Beach in 1998 (currently based in Grover Beach), we keep up with the latest advancements in window washing technology, ensuring our customers experience the highest quality, safest, and timeliest local service available. Couple that with our friendly staff and you’ll feel confident you’ve made the right choice.

Learn how to prevent scratched windows and doors here.



We’ve turned the experience of hiring a window cleaner into a pleasant one. We provide courteous service, fast results, and always protect your household belongings. One of the advantages you have in hiring a national champion window cleaner is that the window washing itself naturally and safely requires less time to perform. This will allow you to schedule such window cleaning more easily. And since many window cleaners charge per hour, this can save quite a bit of headache. Best of all, you don’t have to take our word for it! Please review our testimonials here.


Since you landed on this window cleaning website, you already understand how important it is to your customers that your business windows are crystal clear. You understand that your business has a clean, professional image. Clear windows show more than your attention to detail and dedication to cleanliness. Clean windows tell your customers that you care enough about your business to invest in a bright, friendly environment that welcomes foot traffic.
Whether you’re a business or residence,
our friendly customer service and your clean windows will brighten your day
On The Spot Window Cleaning Proudly Serves the following areas: 5 Cities window cleaning, Pismo Beach window cleaning, Arroyo Grande window cleaning, Grover Beach window cleaning, Avila Beach window cleaning, Santa Maria window cleaning, Nipomo window cleaning, San Luis Obispo window cleaning, Atascadero window cleaning, Santa Margarita window cleaning, Shell Beach window cleaning, Oceano window cleaning, Los Osos window cleaning, Morro Bay window cleaning, Cayucos window cleaning, Paso Robles window cleaning. We offer both commercial and residential window cleaning in these cities. Don’t see your city? Contact On The Spot window cleaning to see if we can accommodate you, or provide you with a reference to a window cleaner who can best accommodate you in your location.
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Web Design by: Central Coast Digital Design
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